
About YWES

The Yorkson Watershed Enhancement Society strives to lessen many of the problems facing the Yorkson watershed by encouraging local residents to care for its streams. Our group is made up of concerned individuals from Walnut Grove and Willoughby in Langley, BC. To us, stewardship is having a positive impact on our creek and the surrounding habitats.

2015-11-22 Tire


Some of our activities include:

  • Raising awareness of Yorkson Creek
  • Removing invasive plant species, especially blackberries, ivy, and lamiastrum
  • Planting native trees and shrubs
  • Organizing community clean-ups
  • Monitoring water quality and salmon spawning
  • Advocating for the health of the watershed
  • Celebrating Earth Day, Pitch-in-week and BC Rivers Day
  • Partnering with schools, service clubs and the general public in a variety of hands-on projects

fred_planting Earthday2008