Candidates answer questions about the environment

YWES and other stewardship groups sent the following questions to all candidates for mayor and councillor in Langley:

The document below has all the responses received before Oct. 18th.

2018_candidate answers_complete

Make sure to vote on Saturday, Oct. 20!

  1. What is the one best thing you could do while in office to directly help our Watersheds and Environment?
  2. What is your position on a tree bylaw for the Township of Langley?
  3. We are finding that more environmental staff are needed to ensure a healthy community. What will you do to increase staff time dedicated to conserving our local environment and enforcing our existing bylaws?
  4. Integrated Stormwater Management Plans (ISMPs) are studies of a whole watershed including groundwater resources. ISMPs are required for watersheds in Metro Vancouver that are impacted by more than 20% development. What is your stand on developing ISMP’s for all of Langley’s watersheds regardless of the current or projected percentage of development?
  5. Our farmland needs to be preserved for a sustainable future. What is your position on preserving and possibly expanding the land in the Township of Langley dedicated to food production?

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